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Mission Statement

The Vision

Our Vision is to raise the standards of pharmacy practice by offering quality technical services such as formulas, business development marketing and facility design, all while fostering proactive networking between the practices of pharmacy and medicine. It is important that we always keep focus on our foremost objective, improving patient care.

The Mission

As a service provider imparting our specialized knowledge and expertise, we bring people and resources together. We provide the means for improving the quality of pharmaceutical care through meaningful relationships:

  • Supporting cutting-edge formulas, research and development, and technical support services for the compounding pharmacist;
  • Developing a knowledge-based communications network for the pharmacist and medical specialist;
  • Engaging in business practices that lead to the morally, ethically, legally, politically and clinically sound development of pharmaceutical compounding;
  • Providing both resources and consultation to secure the development of our membership’s business and marketing investments.


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