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Corporate Description

In the year 2000, MEDISCA Inc. began working towards its dream of providing the industry of pharmaceutical care with an unparalleled quality of service that will meet the day-to-day operational needs of compounding pharmacists all over North America.

With these goals in tow, the company assembled a team of practicing compounding pharmacists, formulation chemists, technical support service representatives, lab technicians and highly skilled experts in the pharmacy compounding field, who are dedicated to developing and maintaining an effective and responsive support system. Together they encompass a wide range of both theoretical and practical compounding experience with the following designated degrees:

  • PharmD
  • PhD.
  • MSc.
  • BSc.

MEDISCA Network Inc. was founded through reason and resoluteness, and today looks forward to serving its clientele with an even broader vision. Today we are in service, not only to the compounding pharmacy community, but the healthcare community as a whole. Our role is to maintain and improve the integrity, quality and diversity of pharmacological care through the promotion of, and support for, pharmacy compounding. Most of all, we recognize that we are in service to the patient population, for which we are all a part of, at one time or another.


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